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Pastoral Ministry
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The Mission for Pastoral Ministry encompasses all the programs and activities of a parish that

strengthen the sense of being a Christian Community. Pastoral Ministry fosters a sense of belonging

among the members of a parish. This mission would also include all those parish “special events,” such as

picnics, dances, covered dish socials, etc., which bring the parish together to “build community.” 

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Holy Name Society

Contact: Dave and Susie Ciscon at

Knights of Columbus

The Knights of Columbus is the world’s largest Catholic fraternal service organization 

founded on the principles of Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism. Our council, 14847,

performs many charitable functions for our parish, school and surrounding community.

Some of our efforts include supporting our local seminarians, assisting in decorating the

church for Christmas, serving meals to the needy at the Kennedy House in Reading,

supporting various pro-life efforts, providing food baskets for the needy at Christmas time, offering financial support to the school and church and helping the church and

school where needed. Our members meet once a month in the rectory basement.

If you would like more information about the Knights of Columbus, Council 14847

or you are a practicing Catholic man 18 years or older and are

interested in becoming a Knight, please contact Mike Rusak, Grand Knight at  

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Legion of Mary

The Legion of Mary is the largest apostolic organization of laypeople in the Catholic

Church. It makes its members better Catholics through a balanced program of prayer

and service in union with the Holy Spirit as He operates through Mary,

Mother of the Church. Works include evangelization, parish visitation projects,

youth work, and other spiritual needs of the parish and community. The Legion of

Mary will visit you in your home to pray the rosary and help you to enthrone

the Sacred Heart of Jesus in your home. Any Catholic who wants to draw closer to

Jesus and his Mother are welcome to join. If you have any questions or want more information, please contact Tim Dillon at  More information about

the Legion of Mary can be found at

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Parish Nurses

The Parish Nurses seek to meet the physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs of each

person in the parish. They act as the vital link between the faith and medical communities.

This ministry is rooted in Jesus’ command to preach and heal the sick (Luke 9:2). The parish

nurses are available to assist parishioners when the need arises in any of the following areas:

Health Counselor, Educator, Advocate/Resource Person, Liaison to Community Services,

Teacher of Volunteers and Support Groups, and Healer in mind, body, and spirit.

For more info, contact Anne Rosenberger at 484-650-0198 or

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Prayer Shawl Ministry

Our Prayer Shawl Ministry combines compassion and the love of knitting/crocheting into a

prayerful and spiritual gift to reach out to those in need of comfort and solace, as well as in

celebration and joy. The shawl maker begins with prayers and blessings for the recipient.

The intentions are continued throughout the creation of the shawl. Upon completion,

a final blessing is offered before the shawl is sent on its way. Some recipients have

continued their kindness by making a shawl and passing it on to someone in need.

Thus, the blessing ripples from person to person,with both the giver and receiver

feeling the unconditional embrace of a sheltering, loving God!

Anyone who wants to make prayer shawls may pick up yarn and directions at the rectory.

If you know someone who is in a nursing home, home-bound, seriously or chronically ill,

having surgery, diagnosed with cancer, on hospice, or suffering a loss, please call the

rectory to request a prayer shawl for him/her. One of our team members will visit and

pray with them. We do give shawls to people who do not belong to the parish. We will also

give you one to mail to a sick relative. This ministry has blessed the parish,

our team members, our benefactors, and those who have received them.


If you have questions or would like to volunteer to crochet or knit a shawl, please contact

Pat Hansbury 610-698-4327. We are always looking for people to help deliver shawls.

If you can’t knit or crochet, consider joining the ministry by helping to deliver shawls.

For more info on the Prayer Shawl Ministry, please visit

Rosary Rally

A Rosary Rally for the Sanctity of Life takes place the 3rd Wednesday of each month at

5:30pm in the Chapel. Members gather at the Memorial of the Unborn in the front of the church.

All are invited to join the Knights, along with their spouses and families, in this powerful

witness undertaken for the sake of the "Sanctity of All Human Life," beginning with the unborn,

for the Greater Honor and Glory of God, and for our Blessed Mother. Please contact the

Knights of Columbus at for more information. 

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Seniors Group

The HGA Seniors Club is open to anyone 50 years old plus. The Seniors meet once a

month (second Wednesday of the month) from March to December at the Rectory. 

We invite speakers to discuss subjects pertaining to seniors and entertainment for fun and

relaxing time. We try to have a speaker one month and entertainment the next month.

Our mission is for the benefit of Older Adults of the Diocese of Allentown. Its purpose shall be to

provide a place where members can meet regularly to share friendship and common concerns.

Its focus shall include the spiritual, intellectual, social, economic and political needs of its members.​Contact Rozanne Thompson, President at or 610-406-3350.

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Vocations Committee

Our Vocations Committee's mission is to foster a culture of vocations, listening and responding

to the call of God. We promote all vocations: Priesthood, Deaconate, religions life, married and

single life. All vocations are encouraged within the context of our Baptismal vocation to holiness

given by Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit. Our goals are: to pray daily for an

increase in vocations; to deepen the awareness of the various vocations in the Catholic Church 

as well as to parishioners; encourage attendance at daily Mass; pray before the Blessed

Sacrament; pray the rosary, asking Mary to intercede; and to send us men and women who are

humble, obedient, and loving. We encourage students to participate during the events of

Vocation Awareness Week in the activities provided by the Diocese and parish. 

To aid parents in teaching and encouraging their children to remain open to God’s call.

For more information, contact Tim Ferguson at

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Young Adult Ministry

Hope, Grace, and Adulting is the young adult ministry of HGA parish. Young adults

ages 21-35 have the chance to spend some time with their peers and grow in faith and holiness,

eat and drink; and learn and laugh. It is a casual and relaxed opportunity to discuss life

as a young adult and a member of Christ’s Church. Let’s talk about Catholic social

teaching, catechism, apologetics, theology of the body, and anything else!

For more information, contact Kylie Madore at or 610-781-0384.

Holy Guardian Angels is always open to new ministries to enhance the Mission for Pastoral Ministry. 

If you have an idea for a ministry or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact Father Hoffa at

610-921-2729, ext. 2204 or Some new ministries we would like to add in the

future include Caritas for Adults, a Parish Retreat, a Women's Club, and a book club. 

Let us know if you have any more suggestions or if you would like to start something new here at HGA!

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Rectory Office Hours 
Monday through Thursday, 9am - 4pm

Friday, 9am - 12pm

Phone: 610-921-2729
3121 Kutztown Road
Reading, PA 19605-2659

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©2025 by Holy Guardian Angels Parish

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