Evangelization is the continuous process by which the Church strives to deepen the faith of those who
believe and bring the Good News to those who do not believe. It has two major purposes: Spiritual renewal,
by which those who profess faith in the Gospel of Jesus Christ are drawn to more clearly reflect that belief
in their actions, their relationships and their whole lives. Outreach, whereby individuals, parishes and
organizations seek ways of sharing the faith with others including Catholics who do not practice
their faith and those who do not practice any religion. The entire parish and the diocese share the
responsibility for evangelization. The Parish Pastoral Council should ef- fectively assist the pastor in
establishing the proper focus on evangelization as an vital area of mission in the parish.
Issued only to Parishioners who are officially registered in the Parish for one
month prior to requesting the certificate and also practicing their faith.
Please come to the office during office hours to fill out the required form.
We look forward to celebrating God’s gift of love in the sacrament of Marriage
for any registered and practicing parishioner. Diocesan policy states that contact should be
made one year, but no later than six months, prior to the proposed date of marriage in
order to begin pre-nuptial instructions. Call the Parish Office for further information.
House blessings are a tradition in the Church.
If you would like to have your house blessed, please contact the office.