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Mission for Liturgy
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All who are made Children of God — by faith and baptism — should come together to praise God in the midst of

His Church. The liturgy moves the faithful, filled with the paschal sacraments, to be one in holiness. It prays that they may hold fast in their lives to what they have grasped by their faith; the renewal in the Eucharist of the covenant between the Lord and his people draws the faithful into the compelling love of Christ and sets them on fire.

From the liturgy, grace is poured forth upon us. The Church earnestly desires that all the faithful be led to that full, conscious, and active participation in liturgical celebrations called for by the very nature of the liturgy.

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40 Hours

The 40 Hours Eucharistic Devotion is a special 40-hour period of continuous prayer made before

the Blessed Sacrament in solemn exposition. The focus of this devotion is on the Holy Eucharist. 

HGA's 40 Hours Devotions typically take place from Sunday through Tuesday, at the end of

September each year. Eucharistic Adoration begins after the 11:30am Mass and continues until 

the solemn closing on Tuesday evening at 7pm. Vespers occurs each evening at 7pm and a guest preacher. Adorers may sign up to keep watch with our Lord over the three days.

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Music Ministry



The Holy Guardian Angels Adult Choir (High School and older) is a music ministry whose mission is to enhance the liturgy of the Mass and provide spiritual inspiration to the parish through beautiful classical and contemporary music. The choir performs hymns in four-part harmony (Soprano, Alto, Tenor, and Bass).  While it is helpful, it is not necessary to read music and there are no formal auditions to join the choir.  The only requirement is the ability to sing in tune.  Rehearsals are held every Thursday evening beginning at 6:30 pm in the church choir loft and typically last for an hour to an hour and a half.  The choir sings for every 9:45 am mass on Sunday from the week after Labor Day through Pentecost Sunday.  The choir does not sing during the summer months.  In addition to weekly mass, the choir sings for Forty Hours in the Fall, Advent Vespers held on the first Sunday of December, Christmas Eve Mass at 10:00 pm, and for all of the Holy Week services in the spring.  If you have been blessed with the talent of singing, please prayerfully consider joining our wonderful choir.  

The choir is under the direction of Mrs. Sue Swavely, who has an extensive background

in choral music. Our accompanist is Mrs. Anne Lazar. If you have any questions,

please contact Sue Swavely at 610-587-7061 or email


There is a special role for soloists with the ability to inspire a worshiping assembly into song.  The liturgical soloist acts as cantor of the Psalm and Gospel verse, as well as the leader of hymns,  acclamations and Mass parts in the absence of a choir. The main requirement for this role is the ability to sing clearly, in tune, and with confidence. This is a specialized ministry that may require an audition and training with the Music Director.  Cantors must be able to learn the music independently, as there are no cantor rehearsals with the organist or Music Director.  Cantors can be scheduled weekly, monthly, or just as a substitute when needed.  Anyone in 9th grade or older is welcome to audition.  If you are interested in this ministry, please contact Sue Swavely, whose information is above.  

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Altar Society

The Altar Society cares for the altar, sacristy, and sanctuary. Their purpose is to help maintain the liturgical needs of our daily worship, to beautify our worship area, and to grow in the community and common service. Some of their duties and responsibilities, to name a few, include decorating the Sanctuary before Masses and holidays, making the bibs handed out at all Baptisms, cleaning the

holy water fonts, along with anything else that needs to be done. Many of the Altar Society

members provide individual assistance, which includes the washing, ironing, folding, repair, and maintenance of the linens and vestments of the priests and servers. An Altar Society will be forming soon – please call the rectory if you are interested in being part of this beautiful ministry.

Contact Lisa Wood: 610-741-3717 or

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Altar Servers

Altar Serving is a parish ministry open to young men and women between 5th and 12th Grade.

A new altar server is required to attend training provided by the parish typically in the spring each year. Once trained, an altar server will be added to the parish liturgical ministry schedule. In addition to serving at the regularlyscheduled weekend Mass an altar server might be asked to serve weddings

on occasion or other liturgical events. Altar Servers are also required to attend The Mass of

the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday and the parish’s Annual 40 Hours Eucharistic Devotion.

Contact: Anne Malinowski at 610-921-2729, ext. 2216 or

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Anointing the Sick

Please notify the Parish Office when a parishioner is in the hospital or home, and would

like to receive communion or anointing of the sick. The Sacrament of the Sick is available to

all in need of healing. Please do not wait until death is imminent to offer your loved

one this grace. Visits can also be made to those parishioners who are homebound and

would like to receive communion by Eucharistic Ministers, Fr. Hoffa.

Emergency requests for the Sacrament of the Sick or Anointing of the Sick

should be made by calling the Rectory Office at610-921-2729 and selecting Option 8.

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Children's Liturgy of the Word

Come and spend some time with our Eucharistic Lord! We are in need of someone to

manage the Children's Liturgy of the Word Program. In this program, the children hear the

Sunday Readings and Prayer of the Faithful in their own words. They also have “take home

papers” to share with the family. This program is offered to Children in Grades 1 and 2. If interested, please contact Father Hoffa at 610-921-2729, ext. 2205 or

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Eucharistic Adoration

Eucharistic Adoration is available every Wednesday beginning after the

8am daily Mass until Benediction at 6pm, typically in the Chapel. Confession is

available from 8:30-9:00am and 5:15-5:45pm each Wednesday as well.

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Lectors & Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Lector is a parish ministry open to men, women, or high school students called to be

ministers of the Word at Mass or for special liturgical celebrations. A new Lector is trained to

proclaim the Word of God and then added to the parish liturgical ministry schedule.


These ministers of the Word proclaim the Scriptures, read the petitions, announce the hymns,

and read any messages that are needed at Mass or for special liturgical celebrations.

Eucharistic Ministers serve at Liturgy by distributing the Body and Blood of Christ

to the gathered community. Please sign in before Mass on the sheet in the Gathering Space.

If you are interested in becoming a Eucharistic Minister, contact

Anne Malinowski at 610-921-2729, ext. 2216 or

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The role of the Usher is one of offering a friendly, welcoming presence to those coming to

worship, of providing leadership during emergencies and performing such tasks as taking up

the collection, presenting the gifts, assisting parishioners during Communion, disseminating the

church bulletin and participating in cleaning the church after completion of the Mass.

Contact: Father Hoffa at 610-921-2729, ext. 2205 or


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Rectory Office Hours 
Monday through Thursday, 9am - 4pm

Friday, 9am - 12pm

Phone: 610-921-2729
3121 Kutztown Road
Reading, PA 19605-2659

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