Angel Earnings
Angel Earnings, formerly Guardian Angel Gift Certificates (GAGC), is a parish fundraiser where you can purchase a gift card at face value and the brand gives a rebate back on that purchase. HGA Parish receives that rebate amount.
Every time you use a gift card purchased through Angel Earnings to pay for your groceries, prescriptions,
or even fill your gas tank, you can help raise money for your parish! We maintain an in-stock inventory of gift
cards for Giant, Redners, Weis, Sheetz, and Walmart. Gift cards are sold before and after each weekend Mass.
In-stock gift cards are also available for purchase at the Rectory Monday through Friday from 9am-4pm.
Angel Earnings also offers gift cards to over 150 other retail stores, pharmacies, gas stations, and restaurants.
These gift cards are ordered separately (typically twice a month) using the special Angel Earnings Order Form.
These gift cards are accepted nationwide and many can be used online.
Visit to browse the hundreds of gift cards & electronic gift cards that are available.
You must register with RaiseRight in order to purchase gift cards online.
Holy Guardian Angels enrollment code is 6574E2F63382.
How does Angel Earnings work?
The stores participating in Angel Earnings allow our parish to buy their gift cards at a discount.
The parish then resells the gift cards to you at face value. For example, simply pay $10.00 (cash or check)
and receive a $10.00 gift card to your favorite grocery store. It doesn't cost you anything extra!
You are simply using a gift card rather than cash for your purchases at these stores.
Tuition Credit Program
The Angel Earnings Tuition Credit Program provides families with the opportunity to reduce their Catholic school
tuition. HGA Parish generously splits the percentage returned on gift cards with participating school families.
Catholic University and Seminary students in the Diocese of Allentown are also eligible. The PREP Fee Credit
Program provides families with the opportunity to reduce or eliminate PREP fees. Enrollment is easy.
You may purchase gift cards Monday thru Friday at the rectory during regular business hours and
before/after each weekend Mass at the Angel Earnings table located in the church vestibule.
Angel Earnings order envelopes and order forms are available in the school and rectory offices
as well as the church vestibule. You can also print a copy of the Angel Earnings Order Form here.
For more information or questions, contact Anne Malinowski at 610-921-2729, ext. 2216 or